Turtles are definitely my wife’s favorite animal in the underwater realm. If there’s an option for diving, she’s all over it when there is a turtle in the water. Palau is famous for having some of the best scuba diving on the planet. We spent a week scuba diving with Sam’s Dive Tours and their dive masters did an amazing job taking us to the best diving Palau has to offer. I got a lot of great photos above the water as well.
There are 7 different species of sea turtles. Palau primarily has the green sea turtle and the hawksbill. I would love to say which one this is, but I have a hard time telling them apart. I used my Ikelite underwater housing and ds161 strobes for this picture.
I’m passionate about exploring and capturing the beauty of every place we visit. This turtle was located at the famous blue corner of Palau where reef hooks are used to watch the marine life as it floats by. As a result, you get to see some awesome marine life without all the work. I saw this same turtle on a couple different days and this was one of my favorite shots that I took.
This image was a top 100 winner in the 2019 NANPA photo competition.